Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cwesy peepej

Chejö fans!

Sum öf jü wij have nöticed dät dea ah sum vewi sick peepej in dis bjög. Dey jest dön't apwechiät fjöck.
Weaj fans wüd dai föa sum fjöck. Meeby Softy shüdd öcchen sum öff ön ebee...

[Hello fans!

Some of you will have noticed that there are some very sick people in this blog. They just don't appreciate flock.
Real fans would die for some flock. Maybe I should auction some off on ebay...]


Tete said...

Do you auction different flavour of flock ?

And how much do you want to get for a kilo of flock ?

Softy said...

Enny ting Softy's fans want!
And fö Shai, önji de vewi best!!!

Indy said...

And for me...?

Softy said...

hü ah jü?
Softy have sö menny fans, Softy dön't nö demm pösönelly!

Indy said...

You're so uncool, Softy!

Softy said...

Softy is in de föth dimension!

Önjy cüj peepej can enter de föth dimension.

If jü bai Softy's "Hau tü be cüj" DVD, jü meit becum cüj tü!

Twai it!

Indy said...

Where can I buy it?

Softy said...

Öj cüj shöps have it!

Indy said...

But how can I find these shops if I can't enter the fourth dimension?

Softy said...

jück in de jejö peeges!

Indy said...

But I prefer the pink ones...

Softy said...

eww! a jü gee?

Indy said...

No, I'm Indy. : )

Softy said...

wat's an indy?

Indy said...

Hauu?? You don't know Indy? :'(

Softy said...

Ah jü a bea?

Indy said...

NO!! I'm a cute pink mailbox!

Softy said...

A töking jettaböx?


Indy said...

: )